“The Irrational Fear of Nothing” is a new short film by director Paul Trillo. It follows a paranoid, neurotic man named Terry as he wanders about on the streets of Manhattan. “Past memories and his irrational inner thoughts soon plague his every move,” the synopsis says. “By channeling a form of mental time travel, he attempts to overcome these past anxieties.”
What’s interesting about the film is the way the story is told. Trillo strapped a camera to the actor’s back for a 3rd person video game-style point of view.
The project was “shot using a light weight snorricam and the mirrorless Olympus OM-D EM5 II camera,” Trillo tells PetaPixel.
Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at how the project was shot:
You can also find a gallery of still frames and behind-the-scenes images on Behance.
from PetaPixel
from WordPress
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